Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Yearbook Pictures Requested!

 The Bville Buzz staff is preparing an online version of Paw Prints, the BHS yearbook. This yearbook will be free for everyone. To make this a success, we need your help, especially for virtual students. 

For students who are coming in person, we will take portrait pictures, which are the typical pictures you see in every yearbook, here while the students are on campus. For virtual students, we need portrait pictures to be submitted directly to us. Also, we would like anyone who wishes to do so to submit pictures of various sporting events, homecoming, senior night, academic team competitions, or any school event. While we will use all portraits submitted (if they meet the guidelines below), space will be limited on other pictures, though we will certainly look at and consider every picture sent.

To submit a portrait for grades P-11, please email (Senior pictures will be collected separately). Include the following information with your portrait:

Child's name EXACTLY as you want it to appear in the yearbook:

Child's grade level:

Also, please adhere to the following guidelines for portraits: 

***NO SNAPCHAT FILTERS. Anything that can alter your face beyond recognition is prohibited.

***A CLEAN BACKGROUND. A plain white wall is preferable.

***GOOD LIGHTING. Please be in a well-lit room when taking these photos.

***WAIST UP PHOTOS. Please keep any pictures submitted for this portion of the yearbook at the WAIST UP.

***Please KEEP THE CAMERA STILL to avoid blurriness.

To submit other pictures for consideration, please include the following:

Name of student(s) depicted:

Event (if applicable):

Grade level of student(s) depicted:

Again, all pictures should be submitted to

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Yearbook Making Return in Online Format

 Paw Prints, the Barbourville Independent Schools' yearbook, will return this year in an online format that will be free to everyone.

Our original plans were to do a traditional yearbook, but having been off campus so much due to the pandemic, that plan has just not been feasible. Nevertheless, our students have come up with a way to do the yearbook online. It will be accessible to everyone free of charge.

Our goal is to make the yearbook similar to a print yearbook. It isn't going to be an easy task, but our students feel they are up to the challenge.

We will be taking pictures of students when we return to campus, but we will not neglect our virtual students. We will send out information soon on how to submit pictures for the yearbook. We want to make sure we include ALL Barbourville students in all grade levels.