Friday, February 14, 2020

Creative Corner #2: Art & Poetry

This edition of creative corner features a watercolor called A Trek Through the Woods by Chante Brown, a junior at BIS. The picture is based on a scene from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. We also feature an untitled poem by Chante, who is one of the most talented artists and writers we have at BHS. The poem's content will ring true to anyone who plays video games.

A Trek Through the Woods by Chante Brown:

"Untitled" by Chante Brown

I think I've eaten my weight in Doritos
And drank my tears in Gatorade.
I collapse in this chair
Only three times a day.

That may not seem like much
But count the hours in between
And you'll be met with the gross, techno reality
Of your modern joystick king.

This self-deprecating attitude
Is the only way that I
Retain a bit of dignity
Despite this wasted time.

I've outlived most children
In my hour stats alone
And my kill streak is bigger
than anyone else's I know.

Despite my ear muff crown
I don't respect myself
Because this high cholesterol diet
Is detrimental to my health.

I eat and I eat
I game and I sleep
I'll win and I'll win
Until it's my turn to be reaped.

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